As I type this, the snow that came down for much of yesterday and last night is thawing quickly so I can just hear the waterfall coming back to life. You know it has snowed when you can’t hear the waterfall as you lay in bed in the morning but when it thaws, it roars!

Anyway, as beautiful as the snow is, I’m hoping that’s it for this year and that I can get started on taking bookings for my swimming and walking guiding business starting up in April!

I’ve been writing the terms and conditions today and joining instructions and I’m really excited that loads of other accommodation providers in the area are keen to promote that aspect of our business. We’re not all in competition as it’s a close knit community and we are all keen to help each other succeed which also means you need to keep your eyes peeled for some collaborations. Watch this space!

In the meantime if you fancy booking either accommodation or a swim/walk experience in the coming months then get in touch, or 07730119871